Gynecological Care

UCF Gynecological Care, located in the Purple Pod of the UCF Health Center, provides preventive and acute gynecological care by certified Nurse Practitioners and Board Certified Gynecologists. The student health fee covers most gynecological services. There are additional charges for lab tests, procedures, and treatments. A student’s individual health insurance plan may cover most of the additional charges.

The following services are provided:

Annual Gynecology Visits

The annual visit includes a general physical accompanied by a pelvic exam, as deemed necessary. The pap examination should begin at the age of 21, regardless of sexual practices or preferences. If a Pap test is performed, a sample of cells from the surface and canal of the cervix is collected. The exam should be done at a time when there is no blood in the vagina and nothing else has been in the vagina for two days prior to the exam (i.e. no douches, tampons, medications, spermicides, diaphragms, fingers, intercourse, or oral sex). Colposcopy and/or follow up for abnormal pap results are performed by Board Certified Nurse Practitioners and Gynecologists.

Who Needs a Pap Test?


Birth-Controls[1]Contraception Counseling and Prescribing

There are many safe and effective birth control methods available. It is important to find the method that is best, and each individual has different needs. Our staff is able to discuss all of your birth control options, help you choose the best method for you and write any necessary prescriptions.


HPV-Vaccine[1]HPV Vaccine (Gardasil)

Gardasil is the only HPV vaccine that helps protect against four types of HPV. In girls and young women ages nine to 26, Gardasil helps protect against two types of HPV that cause about 75% of cervical cancer cases, and two more types that cause 90% of genital warts cases. In boys and young men ages nine to 26, Gardasil helps protect against 90% of genital warts cases.


Plan-B[1]Plan B

Plan B is a method of emergency contraception that prevents pregnancy after unprotected sex (sex without contraception or when contraception fails). Emergency contraception prevents a pregnancy before it begins; thus, it is not the same as abortion. Plan B One-Step® is available for women 18 years and older in our Pharmacy, without a prescription. A prescription is required for those 17 years of age and younger.


Pregnancy[1]Pregnancy Testing and Counseling

Pregnancy counseling is offered to those who believe that they are pregnant. Typically, the counseling includes a pregnancy test to confirm pregnancy along with counseling to discuss the pregnancy and the patient’s options.


STI[1]Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) Counseling and Testing

STI tests may test for a single infection, or consist of a number of individual tests. There is no procedure that tests for all infectious agents. STI tests may be used for a number of reasons:

  • As a diagnostic test to determine the cause of symptoms or illness
  • As a screening test to detect asymptomatic or presymptomatic infections
  • As a check that prospective sexual partners are free of disease before they engage in sex without safer sex precautions
  • As part of the process of contact tracing from a known infected individual

Not all STIs are symptomatic, and symptoms may not appear immediately after infection. In some instances a disease can be carried with no symptoms, which leaves a greater risk of passing the disease on to others. Depending on the disease, some untreated STIs can lead to infertility. Early identification and treatment results in a reduced risk of spreading the disease.

