
Student Health Services is committed to your privacy and the confidentiality of the services you receive. Students who are 18 or older must provide us with written consent in order to release any medical information to third parties, including parents. You may access these forms by clicking on the link below.

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule provides patients with seven “rights” concerning your personal health information and medical records. It is important that you understand these rights and how they affect your privacy. As a patient you have the right to:

See and request a copy of your medical record in the format of your choice.

You can obtain these records through UCF Health Student Health Service’s Health Information Management Department.

Request restrictions on your medical record.

This means you can request your information not be released to family or friends who may be involved in your care. This form can be obtained from the Privacy Officer in the Health Information Management Department at Student Health Services.

Receive confidential information at an alternate address.

You can request your correspondences from us be sent to an alternate address. This form can be obtained from the Privacy Officer in the Health Information Management Department at Student Health Services.

Ask your doctor to amend your medical record.

You may request that an amendment or an explanation be added to your medical record. This form can be obtained from the Privacy Officer in the Health Information Management Department at Student Health Services.

An accounting of disclosures of your medical records.

Your medical information can be released without authorization for the following reasons: treatment, payment, healthcare operations, and for public health and safety reasons. You may request a copy of these disclosures. This form can be obtained from the Privacy Officer in the Health Information Management Department at Student Health Services.

Get a copy of Student Health Services’ Notice of Privacy Practices.

The Notice of Privacy Practices informs you of how your personal health information may be used or disclosed to others.

File a complaint.

If you feel your privacy rights have been violated, you may file a complaint with both Student Health Services and the federal government. This form can be obtained from the Privacy Officer in the Health Information Management Department at Student Health Services. If you feel your complaint was not successfully resolved with the Student Health Services Privacy Compliance Officer, please contact the Office of Civil Rights to file a complaint:

Office of Civil Rights, Department of Health & Human Services
200 Independence Ave.
S.W., Washington, D.C. 20201

UCF Statement of Collection and Use of Social Security Numbers

UCF must notify individuals of the circumstances that require or authorize the collection and use of social security numbers (“SSN”). Florida Statute 119.71(5) specifically authorizes UCF to collect SSNs when required by law or where the SSN is imperative in the performance of its duties. Please visit the link below for a list of authorized uses of social security numbers.