
"One thing that comes to mind when I think of the Collegiate Recovery Community (CRC) is hope." Click to read Stephen's full story.

One thing that comes to mind when I think of the Collegiate Recovery Community (CRC) is hope. The term “fortunate” can be very arbitrary based on a difference of opinion. I would consider myself very fortunate due to the fact that I came across the CRC within my first week at my University and found myself surrounded, not only by individuals who had better things in mind than partying every weekend but friends who treated me with unconditional positive regard and support when needed. This Community brings hope to an addict like myself who are trying to make something of himself while surrounded by a world of chaos.

After being laid off from my job of 3 years and dropping out of junior college with the low GPA of 2.83, I made the decision to seek inpatient treatment for the first time. During this period, I learned a lot about myself and the disease of addiction. Though after a six month period of abstinence and the belief that I could control my problem, I ended up going down a more ominous road than ever before.

It was not until the age of 23 that I realized my using was no longer fun but actually caused more sorrow and despair. With the power of God, my family, and my support system of friends and loved ones, I made the decision to push forward with my life and put an end to my toxic habits. Upon the transitional period from my hometown to Orlando, I did not know anyone or anything about the area except for my new roommates who partook in many of the same habits that I had left behind 2 years prior. About a week or so after moving, I discovered a self-group/club, entitled Sober Knights. Following that first Thursday night, I came to realize there were people in this foreign area who held some of the same values and morals as myself. I don’t believe I would have made it through my junior and senior years of college if it were not for these people. After graduating with an overall 3.82 GPA, gaining experience in multiple areas outside of my general academia, and making some great friends whom I’m sure to stay in touch with for a long time to come, I’m confident my future will be far from bleak and gloomy.

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